This is a hilarious comedy play for a large mixed cast. In an attempt to raise some money Caroline and Mark Richardson hire out Madchester Manor to a group of ghost hunters. The assembled group includes mediums, paranormal investigators and a variety of other characters excited to see what the evening will bring, but will they actually meet a ghost?
Male – 9
Female – 8
Juniors - 6 (could be reduced)
Mark: There you are! For goodness sake stop tidying, they really won’t care if the place is a mess.
Caroline: It’s hardly a mess.
Mark: Exactly, so just relax.
Caroline: I can’t relax, they’ll be arriving any minute now. Are we doing the right thing do you think?
Mark: We’ve been over this a dozen times. It’s a brilliant idea and everyone will have a great evening. Anyway, we really don’t have much of a choice if we want to avoid selling Madchester Manor.
Caroline: I know you’re right but I can’t help being nervous.
Mark: You’ve arranged everything perfectly as usual. How many bookings did we have in the end?
Caroline: Thirteen. With the two mediums that gives us quite a houseful.
Mark: Talking of the duo of darkness, where are they?
Caroline: Shh, they might hear you.
Mark: (Looking around) Crikey, you mean they really are psychic?
Caroline: No, I mean I asked them to meet us in here once they’ve finished looking around the house. They’re working out where the hot spots are.
Mark: They’ll be lucky to find any hot spots tonight. The heating’s packed up again.
Caroline: Oh well, hopefully it’ll add to the atmosphere.
Heston Collins and Miranda Harrington enter DL
Heston: Mrs Richardson, you really are a very lucky woman.
Mark: I’ve been telling her that for years!
Caroline: (Making a face at him) Do call me Caroline.
Heston: Caroline, you have something very special here.
Mark: I’ve been telling her that too.
Miranda: This house is simply full of activity. It should be a very exciting evening.
Caroline: Have you done any research on the history of the manor?
Heston: No, I like to come into a house without any preconceptions.
Miranda: I’m the same. I like the spirits to talk to me themselves.
Heston: There is a particularly strong character in the drawing room just waiting to come through. A sea-faring fellow I believe.
Mark: That’ll be my great-grandfather.
Miranda: Was he in the navy?
Mark: No but he lost the family money at cards and jumped off Southend pier.
Male – 9
Female – 8
Juniors - 6 (could be reduced)
Mark: There you are! For goodness sake stop tidying, they really won’t care if the place is a mess.
Caroline: It’s hardly a mess.
Mark: Exactly, so just relax.
Caroline: I can’t relax, they’ll be arriving any minute now. Are we doing the right thing do you think?
Mark: We’ve been over this a dozen times. It’s a brilliant idea and everyone will have a great evening. Anyway, we really don’t have much of a choice if we want to avoid selling Madchester Manor.
Caroline: I know you’re right but I can’t help being nervous.
Mark: You’ve arranged everything perfectly as usual. How many bookings did we have in the end?
Caroline: Thirteen. With the two mediums that gives us quite a houseful.
Mark: Talking of the duo of darkness, where are they?
Caroline: Shh, they might hear you.
Mark: (Looking around) Crikey, you mean they really are psychic?
Caroline: No, I mean I asked them to meet us in here once they’ve finished looking around the house. They’re working out where the hot spots are.
Mark: They’ll be lucky to find any hot spots tonight. The heating’s packed up again.
Caroline: Oh well, hopefully it’ll add to the atmosphere.
Heston Collins and Miranda Harrington enter DL
Heston: Mrs Richardson, you really are a very lucky woman.
Mark: I’ve been telling her that for years!
Caroline: (Making a face at him) Do call me Caroline.
Heston: Caroline, you have something very special here.
Mark: I’ve been telling her that too.
Miranda: This house is simply full of activity. It should be a very exciting evening.
Caroline: Have you done any research on the history of the manor?
Heston: No, I like to come into a house without any preconceptions.
Miranda: I’m the same. I like the spirits to talk to me themselves.
Heston: There is a particularly strong character in the drawing room just waiting to come through. A sea-faring fellow I believe.
Mark: That’ll be my great-grandfather.
Miranda: Was he in the navy?
Mark: No but he lost the family money at cards and jumped off Southend pier.