This is an unusual pantomime version of the story by Alexander Dumas. It is reasonably faithful to the original story with the addition of Dame Dotty – D’Artagnan’s mother who comes along to look after him. The evil Cardinal Richelieu is a classic pantomime baddie, aided by the useless Roquefort and the beautiful but dangerous Lady de Winter. The lovely principal girl, Constance, is kidnapped and thrown into the Bastille as a trap for the Musketeers who of course attempt to rescue her. There are lots of opportunities for slapstick including a scene with a sack of onions, a ghost scene and a chase through the audience. There is also the opportunity for some lovely scenery and costumes with a masked ball and a starlit night scene.
Male – 5
Female – 6
Male or female – 4
There are also 4 small speaking parts for juniors. This is pantomime so some of these parts could be played by male or female of any age.
Milady: Your excellence!
Richelieu: You’re not so bad yourself. Have you come from the Queen?
Milady: I have indeed.
Richelieu: And is there news?
Milady: Why, should there be?
Roqufort: He means about the Duke.
Richelieu: Shut up you numbskull!
Milady: Ah, I see. You would have me spy on my mistress and tell you her secrets.
Richelieu: It would be to your advantage to do so. I know that she sees the Duck of the Buckinghamshires when the King is away. If I had proof I could accuse her of treason to France. Without the Queen around King Louis would listen to me and I would effectively rule France.
Milady: And how would that benefit me?
Richelieu: You could marry me.
Milady: I’m not that desperate.
Roquefort: How about me then saucy? (Milady slaps his face)
Richelieu: Okay then, how about a hundred thousand francs?
Milady: Now you’re talking. But what makes you think you’re right about the Queen?
Roquefort: He’s always right.
Richelieu: You flatter me. It’s true though, I have never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once but I was wrong.
Milady: You are indeed correct. The Queen saw Buckingham last night and gave him a beautiful diamond brooch which was a present from the King.
Richelieu: Ahah! Then I have an idea that will catch her out. The Queen will soon wish she’d never been born, she’s met her match in evil old me. (To audience) and you’ll wish the same if you don’t keep quiet. The Bastille is too nice for the likes of you. If you don’t shut up I’ll come down there and put a bomb under your bums – see how you like that for an explosive ending.
Richelieu exits DR, shaking his fist, followed by Roquefort. D’Artagnan enters DL.
D’Artagnan: Hello there, is this the Rue de Surprise?
Milady: Yes it is. Are you new in town?
D’Artagnan: I arrived in Paris only this morning. What’s your name?
Milady: My name is immaterial.
D’Artagnan: So, immaterial, what brings you here?
Milady: I am merely out on a morning stroll.
D’Artagnan: Well I’m supposed to meet a man here. Have you seen anyone about?
Milady: If you are meeting to fight I should warn you that the Cardinal has decreed that anyone caught duelling in the streets should be thrown in the Bastille.
D’Artagnan: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
Milady: I do hope so. (She looks at him admiringly, sighs and exits DR).
Male – 5
Female – 6
Male or female – 4
There are also 4 small speaking parts for juniors. This is pantomime so some of these parts could be played by male or female of any age.
Milady: Your excellence!
Richelieu: You’re not so bad yourself. Have you come from the Queen?
Milady: I have indeed.
Richelieu: And is there news?
Milady: Why, should there be?
Roqufort: He means about the Duke.
Richelieu: Shut up you numbskull!
Milady: Ah, I see. You would have me spy on my mistress and tell you her secrets.
Richelieu: It would be to your advantage to do so. I know that she sees the Duck of the Buckinghamshires when the King is away. If I had proof I could accuse her of treason to France. Without the Queen around King Louis would listen to me and I would effectively rule France.
Milady: And how would that benefit me?
Richelieu: You could marry me.
Milady: I’m not that desperate.
Roquefort: How about me then saucy? (Milady slaps his face)
Richelieu: Okay then, how about a hundred thousand francs?
Milady: Now you’re talking. But what makes you think you’re right about the Queen?
Roquefort: He’s always right.
Richelieu: You flatter me. It’s true though, I have never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once but I was wrong.
Milady: You are indeed correct. The Queen saw Buckingham last night and gave him a beautiful diamond brooch which was a present from the King.
Richelieu: Ahah! Then I have an idea that will catch her out. The Queen will soon wish she’d never been born, she’s met her match in evil old me. (To audience) and you’ll wish the same if you don’t keep quiet. The Bastille is too nice for the likes of you. If you don’t shut up I’ll come down there and put a bomb under your bums – see how you like that for an explosive ending.
Richelieu exits DR, shaking his fist, followed by Roquefort. D’Artagnan enters DL.
D’Artagnan: Hello there, is this the Rue de Surprise?
Milady: Yes it is. Are you new in town?
D’Artagnan: I arrived in Paris only this morning. What’s your name?
Milady: My name is immaterial.
D’Artagnan: So, immaterial, what brings you here?
Milady: I am merely out on a morning stroll.
D’Artagnan: Well I’m supposed to meet a man here. Have you seen anyone about?
Milady: If you are meeting to fight I should warn you that the Cardinal has decreed that anyone caught duelling in the streets should be thrown in the Bastille.
D’Artagnan: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
Milady: I do hope so. (She looks at him admiringly, sighs and exits DR).